Mission & Vision
Fletcher Technical Community College is an open-admission, public institution of higher education awarding certificates, technical diplomas, and associate degrees. The College is dedicated to offering high-quality technical and academic programs to the community of South Louisiana and beyond. The College prepares individuals for employment, career and academic advancement, and lifelong learning. (Approved June 2021)
Fletcher Technical Community College will serve individuals by providing pathways to higher education, workforce, lifelong learning, and personal enrichment. The College prepares students for success through technology-driven curriculum and a supportive environment utilizing academic practices that cultivate student success at the highest levels. The College actively engages business and industry to develop the workforce of South Louisiana and beyond.
Striving to produce responsible, lifelong learners who become resourceful, adaptive, independent, and productive members of their community, Fletcher Technical Community College values and actively promotes:
- Personalized instruction and service;
- Active learning and interaction;
- High standards of excellence;
- Increased student access;
- Partnerships with businesses, schools, colleges and universities, governments, and community-based organizations; and
- Our cultural values of Transparency, Respect, People-Centered, Empowerment, Servant Leadership, Customer Service, Trust, and Innovation.