Adding or Changing Information to Your Email Signature
To add or change your email signature or to add pronoun information follow these steps:
- **Read all of these steps before logging in!
- Go to
- Login with your Microsoft 365 credentials (
- Add/change your information as follows. (see reference below)
- Click Save & Update when you're finished.
Note: Any information you choose not to specify will be omitted from your signature.
ConexEd Username: If you would to have a ConexEd link on your signature that states "Schedule a meeting with me" put your ConexEd Username here.
Default Signature: If you would like to set one of the allowed signatures as your default, please input the correct code in this field. Codes are available here.
Pronouns: If you wish to add your pronouns to your signature enter them here in your chosen format. Whatever text you enter will insert a line below your name in your signature stating your preferred pronouns. E.g. Entering "She/Her/Hers" in the "Pronouns" field will result in your signature generating a line with "She/Her/Hers" below your name.
Reply On All Emails: If you would like to have a signature on all email replies you can choose either the full standard signature or a shortened version. Codes are referenced here.
Mobile: If you wish to add your cell phone number to your signature enter it here in the format 555-555-5555. The Mobile number will show below your office phone number on your signature.
Office: If you wish you add your office number to your signature enter it here. You may enter "Office 114" or just "114".
CustomAttribute3: This field inputs the address on your signature depending on what campus you want listed.
Input the bolded text below for each campus address to appear.
*If you type anything other than the bolded options, your address will be defaulted to 1407 HWY 311, Schriever, LA 70395
- Schriever - Displays "1407 HWY 311, Schriever, LA 70395"
- Thibodaux - Displays "1425 Tiger Drive, Thibodaux, LA 70301"
- Dickson - Displays "331 Dickson Road, Houma, LA 70364"
When you login it will look like the picture below:
The change is almost immediate. The next time your signature generates from a new email in Outlook, you will see the updated information.
**Occasionally, it can take more time
If you experience any issues or would like to request a custom attribute be created/added (approval required), please submit an IT Helpdesk ticket here.
Here's what your signature looks like without and with all of the attibutes added:
Signature without attibutes
Signature with attributes