Author: Nicol Blanchard
SCIA Work It! Louisiana Annual Energy Career Expo
Schriever, LA – SCIA Work It! Louisiana program hosted their Annual Energy Career Exploration Event at the BP Houma Operations Learning Center in Schriever on March 1st. Eighteen public/private high schools participated in the event from the four parish region which includes Assumption, Lafourche, St. Mary and Terrebonne. The event had 434 juniors and seniors with 50 chaperones. The students had the opportunity to listen to speakers from BP, Chevron, Danos, Dow, Falck Safety Services, Island Operating, Morris P. Hebert, Inc., Shell Pipeline and SPOT Safety Systems. The speakers talked about their career pathway and job responsibilities. The purpose of the event is to make students aware of the different career opportunities available in the energy industry. Also, there was Fletcher Technical Community College’s Integrated Production Technologies Program, Nicholls State University’s Petroleum Services and Safety Technology programs and Morris P Hebert, Inc. with an exhibit on Geomatics. The event was a huge success and will continue to grow. A special thanks to BP Houma Operations Learning Center for allowing SCIA to use their facility.