Fletcher Technical Community College Celebrates a Decade Without Tuition Increases

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Schriever, LA - Fletcher Technical Community College proudly announces that for the tenth consecutive year, there will be no increase in tuition for all students. This achievement highlights Fletcher’s unwavering commitment to providing accessible and affordable education to the community, even amidst rising costs across the higher education landscape.

Since 2014, Fletcher’s leadership has worked tirelessly to maintain tuition rates, ensuring that students can pursue their educational goals without the added burden of escalating costs. This decade-long commitment underscores the college’s dedication to serving the needs of students and the local workforce.

“Fletcher Technical Community College remains steadfast in its mission to provide high-quality education at an affordable cost,” said Chancellor Dr. Kristine Strickland. “We understand the financial challenges that many of our students face, and we are proud to have kept tuition stable for the past ten years. This accomplishment is a testament to our college’s commitment to accessibility, inclusivity, and the long-term success of our students.”

Fletcher’s decision to freeze tuition reflects the college’s broader commitment to fostering economic growth and workforce development in the region. By maintaining affordable tuition rates, Fletcher ensures that higher education remains within reach for all students, particularly those from underserved communities.

This milestone is a significant achievement, especially in an era where many institutions are forced to raise tuition to cover operational costs. Fletcher’s ability to keep tuition flat for a decade is a result of careful financial stewardship and a deep understanding of the needs of its student population.

The college extends its gratitude to state officials, community partners, and the Fletcher family for their ongoing support in making this possible. Fletcher Technical Community College remains dedicated to offering a wide range of programs that meet the evolving needs of the local workforce while keeping education affordable for all.

For more information about Fletcher Technical Community College and its programs, visit www.fletcher.edu.