Program Overview
Environmental science is a natural science discipline that studies environmental problems and human impact on the environment. The discipline draws on biology, chemistry, ecology, engineering, geology, meteorology, oceanography and physics. Environmental science is different than environmental studies, which emphasizes the human relationship with the environment and the social and political dimensions thereof. Our program is intended for students either interested in pursuing a baccalaureate degree in environmental science or who want to obtain an entry level technician position. An Associate of Science in Environmental Science degree is a great starting point for students to learn basic fundamental principles, practices, and field techniques in preparation for careers in research, government, and academia where there is a growing demand for environmental scientists. CIP Code: 030104
Environmental Science Program Option
Industry-Based Creditials available
- Green Infrastructure (Clean Water Certificate) - available in Principles of Stormwater Management (ENSC 1040)
Overall Program Objectives
- Understand the basic principles of environmental science, including the basis of scientific laws and theories.
- Effectively communicate and critically evaluate scientific observations through collecting, analyzing, and interpreting environmental data.
- Pursue meaningful careers are environmental scientists who maintain continuing educational growth during their careers.
- Engage in effective partnerships with academic institutions and industrial organizations in coastal restoration, as well as environmental investigations.
- Understand the importance of the biological levels of organization (i.e. individual/organismal, population, community, ecosystem) in the study of environmental science.
- Apply analytical and scientific concepts in identifying and solving environmental concerns.
Environmental Science Curriculum
Coastal 101 - Seminar for short term credentials to work in coastal restoration!
Mary Briscoe
Phone: (985) 448-5902
Email: Mary.Briscoe@fletcher.edu
IPT Building, Office 200E