Louisiana Notary Public

Notary Public Design Element

Interested in becoming a Notary?  This course designed to prepare you for the Notary Public Examination and follows the Fundamentals of Louisiana Notarial Law and Practice study guide. Concepts covered to prepare you for the exam are The Notary at Civil Law, The System, Civil Code Concepts, and Notarial Practice.

Students must purchase Fundamentals of Louisiana Notarial Law and Practice (The Louisiana Notary Public Examination Official Study Guide) available from the Office of the LA Secretary of State for approximately $100 at http://www.sos.la.gov/NotaryAndCertifications/PrepareForTheNotaryExam

Exam Information: Students take the Notary Exam Pre-Assessment before taking the exam. The pre-assessment is mandatory before taking the exam through the Secretary of State. Complete information about the pre-assessment, the exam, and related requirements can be found on the NOTARY & CERTIFICATIONS page of the Louisiana Secretary of State website.

Required textbook: The Fundamentals of Louisiana Notarial Law and Practice exam study guide, available from the Louisiana Secretary of State website.

13-Week Notary Prep course

  • Dates: Tuesday Evenings from 6:00 p.m. to 8:50 p.m.; 
    2025: Spring 13-wk session start date is February 18, 2025; Fall 13-wk start date is September 2, 2025.
  • *These dates are subject to change based on Secretary of State testing dates.
  • Location: 1407 Hwy 311 Schriever, LA 70395.
  • Tuition: $500 (Due before attending first day of class; non-refundable after 1st day)

7-week Summer Notary prep course

  • Dates: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 p.m. to 8:50 p.m.
    2025: Summer 7-wk start date is June 10, 2025;
    *These dates are subject to change based on Secretary of State testing dates.
  • Location: 1407 Hwy 311 Schriever, LA 70395
  • Tuition: $500 (Due before attending first day of class; non-refundable after 1st day)

If you are interested in learning more about these courses, please complete this form to have someone contact you: 

Non-Credit Business Courses Information Request Form

If you do not have any questions and would like to register and pay for the class, please complete the corresponding form:

Notary Course Registration Form


Glenda LeCompte
Dean's Coordinator
(985) 448-5933

Brandy Sevin
Business Department Head
Office Systems Instructor
(985) 448-7977