Welcome from the dean of Nursing and Allied Health

I would like to extend to you a warm welcome from the Division of Nursing and Allied Health at Fletcher Technical Community College.  Our mission is to offer quality programs that equip students with the skills and qualifications needed for employment, career growth, and continued learning in the nursing and healthcare fields. Our faculty is dedicated to providing mentorship and creating a welcoming environment for all students throughout their educational journey. The Division of Nursing and Allied Health strives to be recognized as a strong educational community of faculty and students committed to delivering exceptional care to those in need.

You are encouraged to visit our Nursing and Allied Health program links on this page or stop by and visit our campus to see all the amazing opportunities that await you in the healthcare industry. 

We hope to see you on our campus soon!

Photo of the Dean of Nursing

Dr. Danielle Vauclin
Dean of Nursing and Allied Health

Important Links