Thank you for stopping by! The Validated Skills & Learning (VSL) Medical Assistant program can be completed in 20 weeks and is being offered as a hybrid program.  Seating is limited based on available clinical space.


The VSL Medical Assistant Program provides students with the knowledge and skills to prepare them to work in physician’s offices and clinics performing both administrative and clinical skills.  The program includes instruction in reviewing and recording patient histories and clinical data, patient care, investigative and examination procedures, diagnostic procedures, data analysis and documentation, physician consultation, equipment operation and monitoring, and professional standards and ethics. This course will require the use of a webcam with Respondus LockDown Browser when taking exams. CLICK HERE to learn more about the course exam requirements.

Students participate in preceptorship activities at:

  • Local clinics
  • Local Physician’s offices
  • Local Hospitals
  • Urgent Care Facilities
Class start dates: (subject to change)
  • February 17, 2025 (Schriever & Franklin)
  • March 31, 2025 (Cut Off cohort only)
  • August 18, 2025 (Schriever)
Class schedule: (subject to change)  
Weeks 1-18 Online theory with labs meeting in person on Schriever campus on Fridays from 9:00am-1:00pm or evenings from 5:30pm-9:30pm on Wednesdays; Franklin class will have labs on Tuesdays from 9:00am-1:00pm at the Franklin library; Cut Off will have labs on Wednesdays from 9:00am-1:00pm at Popie's Palace
Weeks 19-20 Clinical preceptorships in physician's offices, clinics, and hospitals.  40 hours/week (times vary)


Acceptance to Fletcher Technical Community College does not guarantee acceptance into the VSL Medical Assistant program. Seats are offered based on application date.

Admission requirements:

  • High School Diploma/GED/HiSET
  • 18 years of age (Students 17 years of age with a high school diploma/GED/HiSET can apply.  Acceptance will be dependent upon clinical facility policies and parental consent)
  • Clear background check
  • Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) minimum score of NRS level 4 in reading, math, and language*  Effective Spring 2025

*TABE information

  • TABE scores must be uploaded into the Application for Admission to Noncredit Nursing and Allied Health programs.
  • Contact Eve Anderson at 985-448-5926 OR to schedule the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE). There is no charge for this test.

Things to consider before applying to the VSL Medical Assistant program:

  • Students must submit a background check from Louisiana State Police. For a detailed list of convictions that bar employment of unlicensed persons in Louisiana please click here.
  • Students admitted into the program must pass random drug screen(s) and provide a negative result.
  • Required immunizations are 2 MMR shots (measles, mumps, and rubella), a current tetanus – diphtheria (TD) shot within the last 10 years.
  • Hep B series must be started.
  • Flu vaccination or waiver
  • COVID vaccination or exemption
  • Physical Exam
  • Current TB test
  • Hold Harmless Agreement
  • Proof of Health Insurance
  • $2000 + program specific costs (You can find the VSL Medical Assistant cost sheet under LINKS for a breakdown of costs associated with the program.) Tuition must be paid in full prior to the first day of class.

The Medical Assistant program is a VSL program. This is not a financial aid (FAFSA) eligible program. Students must pay tuition upon registration unless notified otherwise.

*All VSL course tuition and fees are assessed by each class. Tuition, fees, and other charges relating to VSL classes are not refundable unless the training course is canceled by the College. If the College cancels a class, then 100% of all College-assessed tuition and fees paid will be refunded for the canceled class.

If you are interested in applying to this program, please complete the following steps:

  1. Complete an admissions application to Fletcher Technical Community College (current/continuing Fletcher students do not need to submit another application) online at APPLY NOW. Select Healthcare as your program.
  2. Be fully or unconditionally accepted to Fletcher Technical Community College by completing all Admissions requirements. Admissions will notify you of your status via email.
  3. Contact Eve Anderson at 985-448-5926 OR to schedule the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE).  Effective Spring 2025
  4. Complete and submit the “Application for Admission to VSL Nursing and Allied Health programs."  TABE scores must be uploaded into the application


  • MJ Foster Promise Program
  • Louisiana Workforce Commission



**This program has a clinical component to complete the program. Please be advised that Fletcher’s Nursing and Allied Health faculty members work closely with many clinical sites to provide an optimal clinical experience for all of its students. Fletcher must follow policies and guidelines set forth by programmatic accreditation boards as well as hospital policies. We must abide by the federal, state, local, college and health care facility mandates and your program completion date is dependent upon our ability to enter and complete training in clinical facilities. Fletcher’s faculty and administration will work with all of our partners to complete clinical hours in a safe and timely manner. We thank you for choosing Fletcher for your career goals and look forward to working with you to achieve success. 



Nedina Shavor
Workforce Coordinator/Instructor
Phone: 985-448-5905