Title IX (Sexual Misconduct) &
Power-Based Violence (PBV)
Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in all areas of education programs and activities.
State law defines Power-Based Violence as any form of interpersonal violence intended to control or intimidate another person through the assertion of power over the person, which includes conduct that is more expansive than sexual misconduct and Title IX misconduct.
Sexual harassment, which includes acts of sexual violence and sexual assault, is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX. Fletcher is committed to ensuring all students feel safe and have the opportunity to benefit fully from education programs and activities.
Fletcher has adopted policies and procedures to be in compliance with the federal and state requirements related to the Title IX Act, the VAWA Act and the Campus SaVE Act.
If the college is notified of sexual harassment or violence, we will:
- Take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate the incident
- Take prompt action to end the harassment and resolve the situation
- Take appropriate steps to prevent recurrence of future incidents
The Title IX coordinator has a responsibility to coordinate efforts to comply with its obligations under Title IX and the Title IX regulations. These responsibilities include coordinating any investigations of complaints received regarding sexual harassment, sexual assault or discrimination of any kind.
Fletcher's Title IX coordinator:
Title IX Confidential Advisors are defined below and are available for students needing Title IX assistance:
- Confidential Advisors are not investigators or victims’ rights advocates; they are a source of information and support, a liaison through the process for victims or the accused.
- Confidential Advisors are familiar with campus and legal processes and medical facilities.
Title IX Confidential Advisors:
Schriever Campus | Thibodaux Facility |
Jodi Duet, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Briana Juneau, Director of Enrollment, Advising, and Retention
Trey Clark, Director for Enrollment, Admissions, & Financial Aid
Josie Clark, Assistant Dean of Entergy & Advanced Technology
Jamie Chauvin, WorkReadyU Transitional/Program Coordinator
Suicide Hotline: #998
Hot Lines:
- National Sexual Assault Hotline - 800-656-HOPE(4673)
- Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault - 888-995-7273
- The Haven Hotline - 800-777-8868
- Suicide Hotline: #988
Web Resources:
- Power-Based Violence & Title IX Resource Hub
- RAAIN (Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network)
- Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault
- Terrebonne Parish
- Lafource Parish
- Terrebonne, Lafourche and Assumptions Parishes
- LCTCS Title IX Webpage
Local rape kit facilities
- Terrebonne General Health System
- 8166 Main Street, Houma, LA 70360
- 985-873-4141
- Thibodaux Regional Health System
- 602 North Acadia Road, Thibodaux, LA 70395
- 985-447-5500
Fletcher Title IX Policies:
Fletcher Title IX MOUs:
- Title IX/PBV MOU - Lafourche Parish - Sheriff's Office/D.A.'s Office
Title IX/PBV MOU - Terrebonne Parish - Sheriff's Office/D.A.'s Office
Investigation Processes: